Benedykt Skinner is a thought-provoking character created by Malik Segawa in the narrative of “21st Century Society,” serving as a symbol of the modern struggles individuals face amidst the perils of toxic influences. In the story, Benedykt navigates a world where everyday choices, from the food he eats to the company he keeps, are fraught…
21st Century Society
In Malik Segawa’s “21st Century Society” novels, the fictional characters encapsulate the tumultuous essence of a world brought to the brink by human excess and moral decay. Set against a backdrop of societal ruin, these characters navigate a landscape rife with greed and corruption, where every decision bears catastrophic consequences. The protagonists often flawed individuals…
The Story of Giffard Aster
Giffard Aster is a 15 year old boy. Physical Appearance: Giffard stands at an average height for his age, about 5’7”, with a lean, athletic build from his active lifestyle. He has tousled, wavy chestnut hair that he often pushes back out of his chocolate-brown eyes, which sparkle with enthusiasm and determination. His skin is…
Apocalyptic WID Novels
In the desolate wasteland that was once a thriving metropolis, Malik’s haunting sketches chronicled the grim reality of the apocalyptic WID novels. He called it ‘WID’ novels, an acronym for ‘World In Destruction’. Scattered remnants of humanity clung to life amid the ruins, their faces etched with stories of unimaginable suffering and resilience. Victims of…
The Story of Mr. Rat
The story of Mr. Rat. In the labyrinthine depths of London’s underground sewage system, amidst the fetid stench and slithering creatures, there lived an extraordinary mouse named Mr. Rat. Unlike his subterranean kin, he harbored an unwavering belief: if humans could achieve it, so could he. Ambitious: Driven by this indomitable spirit, Mr. Rat embarked…